Load life under high temperature
JIS C 5201-1 Rated voltage at 70℃ for 1,000 hours
1.5h ON/ 0.5h OFF cycle
Moisture resistance
JIS C 5201-1 240hr;40℃;90 to 95% RH ,No load
Temp coeff.of resistance
JIS C 5201-1 Tf-20℃
Duration time:30minute
Short time overload
JIS C 5201-1 2 times the rated power for 5 seconds
Dielectric withstanding voltage
JIS C 5201-1 V-Block, test voltage:1100V
(4.7) Duration time:60 s
Resistance to soldering heat
JIS C 5201-1 260℃±5 ℃ for 10 seconds(焊錫槽)
(4.18) 350℃±10 ℃ for 3.5 seconds(手焊錫)
Insulation resistance
JIS C 5201-1 500V (DC);1 minute